freedom, balance, knowledge

This website is an evolving space for sharing knowledge, planting ideas and cultivating art and creative pursuits. It’s being built with a solid ethical foundation based on principles of liberation, connection and truth.

Here are some of the tenets that are important to me.

liberation, mutual aid

All sentient beings should be free. Building a personal website can be an act of resistance in this day of omnipresent commodification. It opposes hierarchical systems that limit freedom of thought, expression, and community. Here, the soil is nurtured by the principles of mutual aid, decentralization, and autonomy. We reject control and embrace cooperation, always striving to create a more equitable and just world.

Thriving on the exchange of ideas and resources, we foster a sense of shared responsibility. Knowledge should be free, not confined to walls of privilege or power. In this space, we dismantle oppressive structures, and every visitor can be both a creator and a learner.

simplicity, interconnection

At the heart of this website lies the understanding that all things are interconnected. Like the roots of a great tree, each idea touches another, growing outward and downward, always in balance. We seek harmony with the natural world and with the flow of life. Respect for all living things is encouraged and perhaps necessary, moving towards a vegetarian and/or vegan diet and lifestyle.

Impermanence is a guiding principle—everything is in flux. This space is not static; it evolves, adapts, and changes. The design is minimalist, reflecting the belief that simplicity brings clarity and depth. It is a practice in non-attachment, embracing both growth and decay as natural parts of the cycle.

curiosity, sharing, free access to information

We are driven by the hacker ethic—the belief that information should be free and that innovation comes through collaboration and curiosity. Knowledge is not hoarded here; it is cultivated and shared with the community.

Technology, like any tool, is a means to liberation. We embrace open-source principles, where transparency, creativity, and collaboration are the foundation for building new systems and ideas. In the spirit of free software, everything created here is shared openly, with the belief that we can all benefit from one another’s work.

There are no gatekeepers here. It’s a space where barriers to entry are broken down, where anyone with curiosity and a desire to learn can explore and contribute. We stand against proprietary systems that stifle creativity. We always support the free exchange of tools and ideas.

uncovering hidden knowledge and practices

This is also a sacred space. Here, the esoteric and the mystical can take root, offering a place to explore the hidden realms of knowledge and consciousness. Rituals, sacred texts, and spiritual practices are woven into the fabric of this digital sanctuary.

Through the practice of conlang creation, translation of sacred chants, or reflections on occult traditions, this space becomes a repository of sacred wisdom. It is a place to reconnect with ancient knowledge while forging new paths of understanding.