Character Concept: Galdur the Green

  • Name: Galdur the Green

  • Role: Istar

  • Appearance: Galdur has a striking appearance, with flowing green robes that shimmer with arcane symbols, reflecting his affinity for nature and magic. His hair is a wild mane of dark curls, and his sharp features blend the elegance of elves with the ruggedness of humans. His emerald eyes sparkle with intelligence and determination, often igniting with a fiery passion when discussing his cause.

  • Background: Galdur was sent by the Valar to middle earth in the 1st or second age to help with bringing thew Orcs back into the fold, and leading them away from the forces of darkness.

  • Motivation: Galdur seeks to empower orcs to unite against their oppressors and form a collective that will fight for their rights and autonomy. He believes that by teaching them the power of organization and solidarity, he can help them reclaim their dignity and forge a new future. He is driven by a sense of justice and compassion for the orcish plight, hoping to bridge the gap between races and foster understanding.

  • Skills and Abilities:

    • Magic: Galdur is a master of enchantment and illusion magic, using his spells to inspire, protect, and unite. He can create illusions to rally orcs and instill confidence, as well as use charm spells to persuade leaders of different tribes.
    • Diplomacy: With his mixed heritage, Galdur has a natural charisma that allows him to communicate effectively with both orcs and other races, making him a bridge between cultures.
    • Knowledge of Orcish Lore: He has spent years studying orcish customs, traditions, and history, using this knowledge to tailor his approach to each tribe’s unique values and beliefs.
  • Challenges:

    • Distrust: Many orcs are wary of outsiders, especially those wielding magic. Galdur must work hard to earn their trust, proving that he genuinely wants to help them rather than exploit them.
    • Opposition from Powerful Factions: The ruling powers who benefit from the orcs’ disunity will see Galdur as a threat. He must navigate dangerous political waters and protect himself from those who would seek to silence him.
    • Internal Strife: Not all orcs may agree with Galdur’s vision. He will face challenges in uniting tribes that have long-standing feuds and rivalries, requiring diplomatic skill and patience.
  • Allies:

    • Orc Leaders: Galdur seeks out influential orc leaders who are open to change, forming a coalition to advocate for their people’s rights.
    • Human and Elven Allies: He may also gather allies from human and elven communities who believe in his cause and wish to support the orcish struggle.
  • Goal: Ultimately, Galdur aims to establish a union of orc tribes that can negotiate with outside forces, ensuring their rights and resources are protected. He envisions a world where orcs can thrive as respected members of society, breaking the chains of oppression that have bound them for centuries.